a unique method, affordable to everyone

by Andrey Molodtsov

"Ropes to Every Home!"

Gravity practice is a new super-efficient
method of wellness and development.
Lightweight, affordable and environmentally friendly. For the home and yoga studios.

What are Gravity Practices?

*Videos with English subtitles

Other titles are Rope Yoga, Ropes, Gravity Yoga.

Who has back pain, joint pain, limited functionality
  • Recovery from injury, illness, age-related changes.
  • Relieves back and joint pain.
  • Quick and sustainable results. Hernias go away in 5-7 sessions without surgery.
  • After strokes, people return to normal life.
  • Curvature of the spine, asymmetry of the body is smoothed out.
  • Drainage of the bronchi and lungs, preventing complications from SARS, flu, whooping cough and even coronavirus;
  • Triggers self-healing processes;

Read more in the section GRAVITY THERAPY

For those looking for physical activity that is not strenuous, but enjoyable
  • Improving posture, rectification of the spine;
  • Opening of the pelvis, recovery of the hip articulation and pelvic organs;
  • Unleashing, unlocking sexuality;
  • The skill of hearing your body;
  • Release from blocks and clamps, psychosomatic causes of pain;
  • Joint flexibility, stretching;
  • Slimness and rejuvenating the whole body.
For the whole family's health
  • Preventing and correcting scoliosis and other curvatures in children and adults;
  • Preparation for and recovery from childbirth;
  • Restoring the backs of parents with children in their arms;
  • Prevention and recovery from acute respiratory infections, flu and even coronavirus;
  • Relief from stress, depression and insomnia;
  • Rejuvenation at any age and any state of health;
  • Joint fun for different generations.
For dancers, athletes, climbers, yogis and meditators

  • Fast and gentle stretching, flexibility;
  • Lotus and twine preparation;
  • Deeper exploration of energy channels;
  • Activation of energy centres (chakras) through the removal of clamps in specific areas of the body;
  • Meditative contact with the body; discovering superpowers;
  • For coaches, physiotherapists, yoga studios, massage therapists, manual therapists, body therapists - an additional very powerful tool.
Gentle deep work on the whole body
In our clients' Comprehensive programmes we always include a "ropes course" in the pool - Aqua Gravity.

Aqua is indispensable for multiple compensatory body deformities, as it heals them all at once. No matter how many hernias or curvatures you have, you only need one course of recovery.
Aqua Gravity is such a powerful method that we have put it on a separate page.
Benefits of the method
Andriy Molodtsov's Gravity Practice
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The exercises all are done on the relaxation, not through the tension.
Instead of muscular effort, gravity works.
When the body is suspended, compression ceases to press and destroy.
Andrey Molodtsov's method includes 6 levels of practice, from simple to complex, for different body areas and different levels of fitness.
The practice is accessible to absolutely everyone, regardless of age or state of health, thanks to a systematic approach.
There are courses For the whole family and for advanced practitioners.
Problem solving
Exercise naturally triggers self-healing and rejuvenating processes.
For people with health problems, there is a section on Gravity Therapy.
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How does gravity work?
Gravity usually presses down on us, creating compression that destroys us over time and brings suffering.
When we hover, gravity pulls the body out, thus healing it.
When we stand, sit or walk:

Pain in the back
The spine becomes curved.
The intervertebral discs flatten, and protrusions and herniated discs appear.
Nerve endings are pinched.
The vertebrae and joints rub under the weight of the body, deteriorating over time.
The spine "collapses" into the pelvis, straining and tilting the pelvis.
Respiratory and digestive problems
Internal organs drop down over time, press against each other, and the stomach bulges out.
In the bronchi and lungs, the infection can go down, causing complications such as bronchitis and pneumonia.
Slouching closes the chest, making it difficult to breathe and work the heart.

The circulatory and lymphatic systems
All body fluids are pulled down by gravity, hence swelling, stagnant lymph, pressure fluctuations and varicose veins.
Swelling of the face, legs and body; skin sagging.
Веревочная йога
When we're hanging from the gravity trainer:

Good posture
The body is free from compression.
The spine stretches and straightens, the inter-vertebral spaces expand and fill with joint fluid, restoring the discs - shock absorbers.
All pinch points are released.
Joints and vertebrae are lubricated, become more mobile and rejuvenated.
Internal organs
The spine pulls out from the pelvis, freeing up space for the internal organs.
The organs fall into place, their function improves and the stomach tightens.
Thorax opening, full breathing, improved heart function.
Drainage and cleansing of mucus from the lungs and bronchi.

The counter flow of blood and lymph cleanses and activates the entire system.
The skin tightens, the edema disappears.
General rejuvenation of the face and body.

Essence of the method

"Andrey Molodtsov's Gravity Practices"

When we are hanging on a machine without support, the whole body relaxes and stretches.

Without compression, the inter-articular/intervertebral spaces open up and clamps and blocks are released.
By doing twists and other exercises, we kind of pump fluids into the spaces we have vacated, lubricating the joints, pumping up the 'shock absorbers' and activating blood flow.

By stretching the whole body, we activate the fascia, which triggers a holistic process of self-restoration of the whole body. The exercises use the force of gravity at different angles, working on different areas of the body.

In my method, the focus is not so much on the problem areas, but on the healthy part of the body, which, in the process of practice, dissolves former problems. We are not treating the disease, but expanding the zone of functionality, i.e. health.
6 levels: from the simple to the complex
Comprehensive effects on the whole body: muscles, ligaments, fascia, bones and joints; internal organs, respiratory system, circulatory, lymphatic and nervous system.
About the author
Andrey Molodtsov
Born in 1958 in Zaporozhye, Ukraine.
Champion of Ukraine, participant of all-union competitions in mountaineering and climbing, instructor, rescuer.
Some 40 years of coaching, wellness and spiritual practice.

In 2014, he created a wellness method called "Yoga on Ropes" or "Andrey Molodtsov's Gravity Practices", in the process of self-healing from sports injuries.
Since 2015, he has lived permanently on the island of Bali in Indonesia, where he works with people from different countries to develop the method. He has thousands of grateful clients and students around the world.
Married. Four adult children, two grandchildren.

Testimonials: stories from different people
Our courses

You can learn the Gravity practices yourself with the help of our video courses.

And if necessary, arrange a one-to-one session with Andrey.

We recommend that everyone starts with the 'Basic Course' - to ensure safety, effectiveness and enjoyment.

Basic Course
Start your Gravity Practice with the Basic Course! It is available to everyone.
And, at the same time, will present a hitherto unknown experience even to the seasoned yogi.

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Advanced Course
If you have mastered the Basic Course, you will certainly want to go further. An advanced course for advanced users!
For sporting achievements and advanced meditations.

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Gravity therapy
What to do if there are problems in the body? How to restore its functionality? How can you help yourself and your loved ones?
Useful not only for personal practice, but also for physiotherapists, trainers and Gravity Practitioner instructors.
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For the entire family
Gravity practices are a great way for the whole family to get healthy and united! Of course, there are special features for children, pregnant women and the elderly, which I will explain in this video course.

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Instructor's Course
If you've already fallen in love with Gravity practices and want to share them with others, the Instructor's Course is for you!
There are no age or location restrictions!
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Individual sessions
Receiving a live transmission from a Master is an incomparable value!
You don't have to travel to Bali, you can sign up for a class online.
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Reversed positions
Level 5
Inverted positions are extremely useful and highly valued in all types of yoga. But headstands involve a lot of compression on the cervical vertebrae. And in gravity practice, inverted positions are WITHOUT compression.
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Do it yourself!
How to make a set of equipment yourself?
We do dream of having ropes in every home. And if finances don't allow you to buy branded gear, you can try making it yourself.
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Equipment Store
Of course, you'll need a set of equipment for your own lessons.

Gift Certificate
Give your friends or family an unforgettable Gravity Practice experience!
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Warning bonuses!

When you buy a set of equipment from our shop, you are guaranteed to receive a "Basic Exercise Course" as a gift!
When you buy an "Instructor course", we give you a "Basic course", "Advanced course" and a course of "Gravity therapy"!

On our YouTube channel, you'll find dozens of free videos on gravity practices!
Interesting facts
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