Gravity Stretching studio
Highly profitable and socially significant business
with small investments,
quick payback
and prospects for scaling
Payback period after
$25 000
Investments from
Profitability up to
8 month
Gravity Stretching is revolutionizing the wellness industry with its holistic and innovative approach.
All exercises are performed suspended or semi-suspended on specialized equipment.
This allows you to use the power of gravity to stretch and heal your body.
Our unique system of back, joint and whole body wellness combines
gentle stretching and deep relaxation, promoting physical and mental well-being.
Read more on the website.
Investment attractiveness
of the Gravity Stretching Studio
High profitability
up to 200% per annum

The profitability of the franchise "Gravity Stretching Studio" exceeds 200% per annum! More than 50% profit in the first year.
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Fast payback
after 8 months
In just 8 months, you will recoup your investment and start receiving net profit from the Gravity Stretching studio.
The first month of operation will allow you to cover all current expenses.
See detailed calculations by clicking the "MORE" button
Small investments
from $25,000
The lump sum is only $25,000.
The Gravity Stretching studio franchise can be an interesting solution for a novice investor.
You can easily move the Gravity Stretching studio to another location or even another country.
You can infinitely increase the number of your businesses by creating a network of Gravity Stretching studios in your city or country.
For buyers of network franchises, special conditions, contact us!
Minimal risks
Even if something doesn't go according to plan, high profitability will ensure you break even. And the ability to move will allow you to save your business in case of any force majeure.
Social significance
By spreading Gravity Stretching, you will help many people get rid of excruciating pain, become healthier and younger.
This is the "medicine of the future", without drugs and diseases.
People's gratitude is incredibly nourishing and inspiring!
Artificial intelligence warns: many professions and businesses will soon disappear.
But caring for the physical body will remain forever and will become increasingly important.
Competitive advantages of
Gravity Stretching
over other health activities
    Gravity Stretching is an original system. The exercises are unique and are not found in other practices.
    Everyone experiences new experiences that the body asks to repeat again and again.
    The practice works at the level of the body, energy and consciousness, harmonizing the whole life.
    Gravity stretching is available to anyone, regardless of age and level of training. The system is built from simple to complex and everyone finds something interesting and useful for themselves.
    Gravity Stretching is a unique and effective way to relieve back pain, joint pain and pain throughout the body in a natural way, by triggering the body's self-regulation. Improvements occur after the first lesson and remain for a long time. Coaches are trained in gravity therapy and know how to select the right exercises for people based on their abilities, including those with limited functionality following injuries, illnesses, postural distortions and age-related changes.
    Many people are looking for physical activity without strong tension and overload аnd they are very happy when they find Gravity Stretching. Here, all exercises are done in relaxation and pleasure. Gravity works for everyone.
    It is very popular among people working at a computer, with small children, middle-aged people who have felt the beginning of age-related changes for the purpose of rejuvenation.
    Gravity Stretching is equally popular with both men and women, contrary to the common stereotype that stretching is for girls and the gym is for boys. It is also possible to do it in pairs, as a romantic or family activity.
    Gravity stretching is most effective in individual sessions. The trainer takes into account the unique needs of each client and selects the most suitable exercises and style of execution. In practice, the main income comes from individual clients, they are usually quite solvent and appreciate the personal attention of the trainer.
    The equipment for Gravity Stretching is very light, compact and relatively inexpensive. There is no need to buy and install heavy and bulky metal exercise machines. If desired, the studio can easily be transformed into a dance hall or other activities.
    Children love Gravity Stretching, from the age of three you can practice it individually, and from the age of 7 in groups. For older people, this is a rare opportunity to restore their functionality, become healthier and younger.
Everyone has a back. And almost everyone has back pain.
Unfortunately, since our ancestors stood upright, we have been constantly
experiencing compression that destroys us.
Do you have your own property?
Increase its profitability several times!
If you already have your own property and are looking for ways to increase its profitability, consider the Gravity Stretching studio.
The business plan includes rent of $1000 per month, plus income from the work of the studio itself.
In addition, real estate with interesting infrastructure is always more liquid.

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Do you have your own
yoga studio or gym?
Add gravity stretching to your services!
Gravity Stretching Studio offers a unique and highly profitable business opportunity for those who are passionate about the wellness industry and are looking to expand their business portfolio. Special offer for network companies!

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Why us?
Stretching is a global trend in the wellness industry, which is rapidly developing.
Gravity Stretching studio franchise is a great way to join the economy based on universal values.
Why will you choose us?
First hand

You receive a franchise directly from the creator of the Gravity Stretching method Andriy Molodtsov, he will personally train your instructors. More about creator and the method can be seen here.
For more than 10 years, we have been honing the methodology and business processes in different countries and for different categories of clients.
Finally, we own the Gravity Stretching brand and the copyright to the methodology.
Own production of equipment

All equipment for Gravity Stretching is developed by us and has been constantly improved over the past 10 years.
Our equipment is made from the best materials and takes into account the specifics of gravity therapy, working with children, etc.
Today, the flagship operation is in Indonesia, there are also two branches in Ukraine and Russia. If desired, we can discuss an additional franchise for equipment production.
Own teacher traning school

You will receive the highest qualification specialists, taking into account the needs of your market and their individual inclinations and abilities. Our school of instructors is located in the picturesque rice fields on the island of Bali, in the world's "capital city of yoga" Ubud.
Ready-made business model

Our franchisees work according to a ready-made business model which has been successfully implemented in many locations. Our students work in England, Canada, Indonesia, UAE, Germany, Ukraine,Kazakhstan, Latvia and Russia.
KNOW-HOW and comprehensive support

We will share with you valuable life hacks: how to hang equipment in different rooms, how to start and maintain word-of-mouth, how to minimize rent, how to reduce expenses, etc. We provide our franchisees with comprehensive support, training, marketing and constant optimization of all processes.
An opportunity to change the world
for the better

As a Gravity Stretching Studio franchisee, you can make a real difference in your clients' lives, helping them improve their health and well-being. Together, we can make a significant contribution to the noble mission of healing all of humanity.
"'Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean."
Ryunosuke Satoro

Agreement and payment of lump sum 1-3 days
According to the franchise agreement we will:
  • provide you with studio equipment for 5 people + 1 set for individual gravity therapy and advanced classes
  • train two instructors online or, preferably, in person; our instructor school is located in Ubud, Bali Indonesia. Into the future, we will support and improve the qualifications of trainers.
  • consult on the selection and equipment of the premises
  • analyze your clientele and jointly develop the best promotion strategy, taking into account the specifics of your location
  • provide centralized marketing support
You, on your part, will pay a lump sum fee, royalties and an advertising fee. You will independently select options for premises and personnel.
Selection of premises and personnel 1-2 weeks
We agree with you on the parameters for selecting premises and personnel.
When you have options and candidates, we discuss them and jointly select the best ones.
Staff training, equipment supply and studio preparation 1-1,5 months
We assemble the necessary equipment for you and organize its delivery. If desired, custom production is possible taking into account your wishes for color design.
Instructors undergo an intensive training course for 1-1.5 months, depending on their personal abilities. After which they pass an exam and receive a certificate.
At the same time, a client manager is trained and the owner is consulted on control and management issues.
Corporate identity
Development of a logo, corporate identity, ordering outdoor advertising, flyers, uniforms for employees.
Launching advertising and getting started
As soon as the studio and instructors are ready, we begin an advertising campaign and the studio’s work with clients.
Our partners
Gravity Stretching Bali partners with like-minded individuals and companies who share our vision of a holistic approach to health and financial success.
"Whenever you see a successful business, someone once made a courageous decision."
Peter Drucker

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