“Rope yoga - your best choice!”
Every human being has a spine. And almost every human being has complained about feeling back pain at least once in a lifetime. Truth to be said, ever since our ancestors started walking on two feet, the compression kicked in to do its business – we are constantly pulled down and our bodies are deformed because of this pressure.
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New way back to a rejuvenated and vital body.
We use gravity in our practice. This is why all exercises are performed in suspended or half-suspended condition.
Lightweight, available, and sustainable.
Suitable for a home or professional use.
Example of traction therapy for fractioned bones

Traditional medicine has been using gravity and traction therapy to treat the spine deformities, fractioned bones, and other issues by stretching. Traction therapy implies manual or mechanical intervention.

Within the method developed by Andrey Molodtsov, gravity is used as the main healing force. All the exercises are performed while either an entire body or its parts are in suspended and inverted position.
Gravity therapy is a healing method
suitable for treating issues of vestibular apparatus and entire body using the force of gravity.
How gravity works?

Simply put - gravity is the invisible force that pulls us creating the compression. As we age, it might lead to destructive processes and painful sensations. When we put ourselves in suspended position, the gravity naturally heals the body by stretching it.

While standing, sitting, or walking:

Back pain
Spine deformities, disc protrusions and hernias may occur. Our intervertebral discs bulge and become distorted, pressing against the surrounding nerves. Vertebras and joints are rubbing against each other under the pressure of body weight causing extrusion. Degenerative changes may result in extra pressure in pelvic area and overall deformities of different severity level.
Respiratory and digestive issues
As we age, muscles loosen and we can experience the so called “dropping” of internal organs, causing the lower belly to bulge.
Gravity also worsens the existing infections in our respiratory organs resulting in bronchitis and similar inflammations.
Rounded upper back tightens our chest muscles affecting respiratory and cardiac functions.
Blood flow and lymphatic system
All fluids in our body are also pulled down by the force of gravity causing lymphatic blockages, fluctuating blood pressure, varicose, facial swelling, swollen legs, saggy skin etc.
Гравити терапия
Benefits of the Gravity practices:

Good posture
Our body becomes free from experiencing any compression. The spine gets straightened and stretched.
The space between the vertebras increases, letting the fluid refill the joints restoring amortisation function of the intervertebral disks. Tension in the spine and joins releases, improving the overall mobility and rejuvenation.
Internal organs
As the backbone stretches out of the pelvic area, it liberates extra space for the internal organs, hence improving their functionality and tightening the belly.

Opening the chest area enhances deeper inhale and exhale, improves cardio performance, drains our lungs and bronchi from mucus.

The backflow of blood and lymphatic cleanses and activates the entire system. The skin tightens, swollen areas dissolve. Rejuvenation processes within the whole body and the face are activated.
Functionality of the vestibular apparatus and the entire body is restored.


of Gravity practices, a method developed by Andrey Molodtsov

As we let the body hanging down without an extra support, the tension releases and our body stretches.

Zero compression allows to open the space between the joints and increases the intervertebral space, releasing the blockages and strains. Performing twisting exercises, we help the liquids fill back the spaces between the joints. We can call it lubrication process, and it also activates and improves the blood flow.

By stretching the entire body, we activate the fascia, which initiates a holistic process of self-healing for the entire body. During the exercises, we use the force of gravity from different angles, addressing different areas of the body.

In my method, I focus on the healthy part of the body rather than on the problem areas. I believe the healthy part will help to heal whatever needs to be healed. We do not cure illnesses, instead we try to expand and fuel our possibilities, that is, health.

Гравити терапия по методу Андрея Молодцова
Андрей Молодцов
Автор метода
Gentle yet thorough body workout
Aqua gravity session is included in our Complex program package. We offer our clients the opportunity to try the supervised rope exercises in the pool. Aqua gravity practices are irreplaceable when treating compensatory deformities as this exercise target all the posture issues simultaneously.

Regardless the number of hernias or deformities – all you need is just one restorative course. Aqua gravity is so powerful we decided to dedicate a whole page for that practice.
after Gravity therapy
I have witnessed quite a few wonderful examples
of people being cured from illnesses during my time
working with Gravity practices.
Back and joint pain
Treating different kind of back and joint pain regardless the initial cause.
Hernias, scoliosis etc.
Treating hernias, protrusions, scoliosis, lordosis, kyphosis, sciatica, neuralgia, issues in pelvic region etc.
Female and male health issues
Prostate, potency, painful menstruations, hip opening, awakening sexuality.
Headaches and migraines
Relieving from headaches and even longterm migraines.

Post traumatic recovery

Treating deformities caused by fractured spine, impaired mobility, dealing with post traumatic pain in arms or legs, dislocated shoulder, knee, ankle joint as well as dysplasia and many more.

Stabilised blood pressure
Post-operational adhesions dissolve, varicose and swelled joints notably reduce. Blood pressure becomes more stable and predictable.
Consequences after illnesses
Gravity practices help restoring the functionality of the entire body after suffering a stroke, heart attack, Parkinson's disease etc.
Age related changed disappear and you rejuvenate in a blink of an eye.

hernias and scoliosis
If you require healing and see Gravity practices as a best possible treatment, do not hesitate and sign up for a free call with the author of the method Andrey Molodtsov.

If practiced consciously
Gravity therapy almost has NO CONTRINDICATIONS
(with an exception of open wounds, fractures and other obvious health issues).
Simply try to choose the exercises suitable for your own level of physical condition and health.

Gravity practices


What are the options for long distance practices?

Is it possible to practice online? Yes, it most certainly is.

Sign up for an online INDIVIDUAL session!

How to prepare for the ONLINE COURSE?

Watch the video of the online course linking Novosibirsk and Bali. Does the world still seem so big?

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Syllabus of the course

Return to your healthy self!
If you are tired of pointless doctor visits, expensive drugs and its countless side effects. If you trust in the power of Mother nature and the wisdom of your own body, we have a course for you.

If you already dedicate your life to helping others or are willing to do so, this will also be beneficial. You will gain so much!
Payment can be provided according to the exchange rate using a bank card.
You will receive a link for video tutorial right after the transfer is completed.

method developed by
Гравити терапия по методу Андрея Молодцова
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Gravity therapy
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